
Soichiro Imaeda, Senior Vice Minister of MEXT visited ICReDD

On Dec 26 (Tue), a delegation from the Ⅿinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), led by Soichiro Imaeda, Senior Vice Minister of MEXT visited ICReDD.

From ICReDD, Director Satoshi Maeda, Vice Director Hajime Ito, Administrative Director Koichiro Ishimori, Research Administrative Director Yasunori Yamamoto welcomed the delegates.

After an overview of ICReDD from Director Maeda and the exchange opinions, the delegates were given a tour of ICReDD building.

SV Minister of MEXT Imaeda, at the community space in ICReDD’s “fusion research office” where all researchers in ICReDD get together in one office.
Guided to the server room, a center of the ICReDD’s research.
Senior Vice Minister of MEXT Imaeda (the third from the right) and ICReDD director Maeda (the second from the right).