CLEMENT, Jean-Emmanuel

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CLEMENT, Jean-Emmanuel
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
(Affiliated until Nov. 30, 2024)
Principal Investigator
Faculty Members
Postdoctoral Fellows
Research Collaborators

About the Research

Research Theme

Bridging hyperspectral Raman microscopy and information science to create new investigation tools for biomedical and materials science


Sparse modeling, image processing, cell dynamics, single molecule spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, plasmonics, cancer stem cells
Research Outline

Raman imaging is becoming a new imaging modality that allows to visualize and quantify spatial distribution of molecules within biological systems in a label free manner. Exploiting this information, inaccessible with conventional optical techniques, gives rise to new opportunities to explore and understand tumor ecosystem.

My research lies in the development of analytical frameworks that can maximize the extraction of information from Raman hyperspectral images. By bridging Raman hyperspectral images and artificial intelligence, my goal is to create a new platform for the next generation of cancer diagnosis and drug development.

Recently, I am also interested in the behavior of cancer stem cells (CSCs), a subpopulation of tumor ecosystem that drives tumor initiation, drug resistance and cancer metastasize. Their quantity being very low in tumor, make their research very limited. Nevertheless, a recent discovery has suggested that cancer cells, when they are cultured on polymer hydrogel, reprogram from differentiated cancer cells to cancer stem cells. In addition, they also go through some morphological changes forming sphere formation, elongation or contraction depending on the polymer that is used. Based on phase contrast microscopy, I am investigating how morphological changes relate with cancer stem cells reprogramming phenomena. I am also quantifying different features with Raman hyperspectral microscopy which can give us more insight about CSCs.

Representative Research Achievements

  • Conformational Changes and Charge Transfer in Biomolecules Resolved Using Dynamic Enhanced Raman Correlation Spectroscopy
    A. Leray, J. E. Clément, A. Bouhélier, E. Finot, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2019, 123 (9), 1931-1938
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b10803
  • Observation of Biomolecules and Their Dynamics in SERS
    J. E. Clément, T. Brulé, A. Leray, E. Finot, Plasmonics in Chemistry and Biology, 2019, 219
    DOI: 10.1201/9780429458750-9
  • Spectral Poitillism of Enhanced Raman Scattering for Assessing Structural and Conformational Information on Single Protein
    J. E. Clément, A. Leray, A. Bouhelier, E.Finot, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys., 2017, 1+ ,458-466
    DOI : 10.1039/C6CP06667D
  • Statistical and Fourier Analysis for In-line Concentration Sensitivity in Single Molecule Dynamic-SERS
    T. Brulé, A. Bouhelier, H. Yockell-Lelièvre, J. E. Clément, A. Leray, A. Dereux, E. Finot, ACS Photonics, 2015, 2 (9), 1266-1271
    DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.5b00134

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