Title: The 7th Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium
Date: From 9:00 on Monday, October 1, 2021
Venue: On-line
Special Lecture: Professor Tasuku Honjo (Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine)
The “Hokkaido University Cross-Departmental Symposium” promotes interactions among young researchers at Hokkaido University. This year, young researchers who represent each department, institute, and center at Hokkaido University will organize the symposium, including the oral and poster presentations. Among the presenters are “Ambitious Tenure Track Associate Professors”, who are on a career path at Hokkaido University for talented young researchers.
Additionally, the Hokkaido University Research Encouragement Award for Young Researchers (tentative name) will grant a total of 10 million JPY to excellent joint studies by young researchers between departments, institutes, and centers to establish world-class interdisciplinary research at Hokkaido University.
The abstract submission deadline has passed, but registration to attend is open until October 1st. Please follow this link for details regarding registration and the symposium schedule.
We hope you can join this event.