Join ICReDD researcher Hajime Ito and other world-leading chemists for a virtual symposium on “Advanced Organic Chemistry” (Japanese only).The program is as follows:
- Kenichiro Itami (WPI-ITbM, Nagoya University): “I want to make beautiful and amazing molecules!”
- Hajime Ito (WPI-ICReDD, Hokkaido University): “The Dawn of Mechanochemical Synthesis”
- Motomu Kanai (The University of Tokyo): “Chemical Intervention for Biomolecular Structure Transformation Dynamism”
- Makoto Yamashita (Nagoya University): “Synthesis and Reactivity of Alkyl-Substituted Al Anions”
The virtual symposium starts at 17:00. Please finish your registration on the following website until 16:45 to receive a link to the Youtube Live session: Connpass Event page