As part of a seminar series organized by ICReDD Professor Hajime Ito’s Group and FCC, Prof. Dr. Michael J. Krische of University of Texas at Austin in USA will give a lecture on Monday, June 20th. Please register for the lecture using the google form here. Anyone is welcome to join. Details of the lecture are below.
Date: Monday, June 20th, 2022
Time: 16:30-18:00 (JST)
Place: Hokkaido University Conference Hall
(Hybrid combining in-person & online delivery)
Speaker: Professor Dr. Michael J. Krische
Abstract: Stereo- and site-selective methods for the modification of unprotected organic compounds via addition or redistribution of hydrogen are natural endpoints in the advancement of methods for chemical synthesis. Our laboratory has developed a broad, new family of carbonyl reductive couplings that merge the characteristics of catalytic hydrogenation and carbonyl addition. In this presentation, selected recent examples from our group will be discussed.