ICReDD will hold its annual International Symposium for the 4th time on March 12-13, 2022. With a theme of “Toward Interdisciplinary Research Guided by Theory and Calculation”, researchers from the fields of experimental chemistry, computational chemistry and information science will gather to share their latest results and discuss the future of chemical reaction design.
This year’s symposium is extra special because it will be kicked off by the inaugural Akira Suzuki Awards Ceremony and special award lectures from Akira Suzuki Award recipient Professor Stephen L. Buchwald (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and ICReDD Award recipient Professor David. J. Wales (University of Cambridge). These will be followed by an exciting lineup of speakers across all three fields.
There will also be an online poster session during the symposium for researchers to showcase their latest work. Those wishing to present a poster can either submit their entry as a video (.mp4, roughly 10min in length) or a .pdf file. Registration is free and can be completed on the official symposium registration website, which will be made public soon.
Registration Deadlines:
Poster Presenters: February 21st, 2022
General Registration: Until immediately before the event (extended from March 2)
Registration can be completed at the symposium website: www.icredd-symp.com