KOH, Clement

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KOH, Clement
Postdoctoral Fellow
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cfk2120 atmark icredd.hokudai.ac.jp

RUBINSTEIN, Michael Group
Principal Investigator
Faculty Members
Postdoctoral Fellows

About the Research

Research Theme

Large-scale computer simulations of polymer materials and macromolecules


Polymer networks, Polymer gel, Grafted nanoparticles, Self-assembly, Phase behavior, Soft matter

Research Outline

Background in large-scale Molecular Dynamics simulations to understand the phase and self-assembly behavior of polymer nanocomposites. Current research focus is using theory and large-scale simulations to understand the reaction kinetics and structural properties of radical polymerized gels and networks.

Representative Research Achievements

Assembly of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles in Polymer Matrices
Koh, C., Grest, G. S. & Kumar, S. K. ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 13491-13499
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c05495