On Saturday, June 8th, ICReDD held a joint open campus event in cooperation with the Institute of Low Temperature Science (ILTS), Research Institute for Electronic Science (RIES), Institute for Genetic Medicine (IGM), Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Global Facility Center (GFC), Institute for Catalysis (ICAT), and Global Research Center for Food & Medical Innovation (FMI).

At the entrance hall of the Creative Research Institution Building, children and adults alike were able to experience science first-hand at interactive booths set up by ICReDD, ICAT, and GFC.
Our slime making booth proved to be a big hit with the children again this year! Our staff also had plenty of fun helping around 240 people make slime!

Attendees could also learn about computational chemistry at our booth where they were able to construct molecules themselves in a computer program.
In addition to the interactive booths, a series of science talks by researchers from RIES, ICReDD and ICAT was held in the nearby cafeteria, Restaurant Poplar, where Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Yuki Ide from ICReDD, gave a talk.
Assist. Prof. Ide introduced the latest research on artificial intelligence (AI), which use a machine learning model they have developed to identify very small features of crystals. Attendees enjoyed guessing the ratio of sugar and salt crystals mixed together and comparing their ability to distinguish these two crystals with the ability of AI.
*Quiz* ↑Guess the ratio of salt and sugar crystals, and see which of you is more accurate, you or AI?
(Check the bottom of this page for the answer!)
After the talk, Assist. Prof. Ide gave a guided tour of the ICReDD building for the participants.
Thank you for your participation in our event. We are looking forward to welcoming you again next year!
*Quiz Answer: Sugar 93%, Salt 7%. (Machine learning prediction: Sugar 91%, Salt 9%)