Ambassador of the delegation of the European Union to Japan visited ICReDDJun 29, 2023
- Visitor
Team Profile of List-Varnek Collaboration at ICReDD featured in Angewandte Chemie International EditionJun 28, 2023
Laboratory visit by high school studentsJun 23, 2023
ICReDD Building Opening Ceremony held on June 16thJun 19, 2023
Many guests were welcomed for joint open campus eventJun 13, 2023
A delegation from Nanjing University visited ICReDDMay 31, 2023
Prof. Shinya Tanaka received the Japan Pathology Award from The Japanese Society of PathologyApr 20, 2023
- Award
ICReDD reaches next stage with completion of new research building!Apr 12, 2023
The American Physical Society 2023 Polymer Physics Prize was awarded to Prof. Jian Ping GongApr 11, 2023
- Award
How does temperature affect chemical reactions? Find out with the 11th Issue of The CATALYST!Apr 05, 2023
A delegation from the British Embassy in Tokyo visited ICReDDFeb 06, 2023
2nd Akira Suzuki Awards Ceremony honors prominent chemists and strengthens new traditionFeb 03, 2023